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Fifteen Killer Ways To Lose Weight Naturally


Weight loss doesn't have to be such a torture. You don't need to subject yourself to surgical operations or take shady medication just so your health will improve. Like so many things in life, there is a method to weight loss that is relatively easy and natural. Although you may not see results as drastic, at least you won't suffer complications and side-effects while trying to lose weight. Here's a rundown of the natural ways to lose weight:
1. Drink lots of water - drinking water before meals and taking several sips together with your meal can help make you feel full faster. This means you won't eat as much. Drinking water between meals helps keep hunger at bay, and helps flush out toxins from your body.
2. Set aside a splurge day for yourself - The reason why most weight loss programs don't work is because people give up when they feel deprived. There is no reason to deprive yourself of food that you want, as long as you set a schedule for it. For example, you can tell yourself that during Saturday, you can eat whatever you want for lunch. This way, you won't feel depressed that you're missing out on so much.
3. Control the cravings - weight loss is all about discipline and really, it's mind over matter during most times. Cravings are not permanent. If you set your attention to something else whenever you feel like you're craving for something, after a minute you won't look for it anymore.
4. Salsa is your new best friend - Most weight loss friendly foods are extremely bland, making it difficult for people to enjoy them. If you want to add flavor to your meals, choose Salsa over regular condiments like mayo or ketchup as it's fat-free.
5. Take it easy on the beer - Beer is loaded with calories and bad for your health. A drink every now and then won't hurt, but try to lessen drinking sessions with friends if you're serious about losing weight.
6. Reduce your portions slowly - Don't start starving yourself suddenly simply because you want to lose weight. This will put too much strain on your body as it tries to adjust. Reducing portions slowly, even if it's by the spoonful, is very helpful because your body won't notice the changes very much and won't rebel against it.
7. Choose to eat small, yet frequent meals - 3 large meals per day can be very detrimental to your weight loss goals. This is because by the time you eat, you'll be so hungry that you'll only stop eating once you're full. With small, frequent meals, you can simply eat until you don't feel hungry anymore, and then eat again once you feel hunger setting in. This helps your body process food easily and gives you a steady supply of energy throughout the day.
8. Say no to soda - Soda contains empty calories, which means calories without any nutritional value. Drinking soda along with your meals is even more dangerous for your health, as soda can make you full and although you eat less, you are also deprived of the nutrients needed by your body.
9. Eat Slowly - It does take a while for your body to recognize that it is full, so eating quickly means that you may eat more than what you need for the feeling of hunger to dissipate. By eating slowly, you wait for your body to catch up and you are able to stop at the proper time, which is when you're not hungry anymore.
10. Stay active - Some people hate the thought of exercise, or don't have time to do it. However, you may not even need a definite exercise routine to lose weight naturally. Sometimes all you need is to be on the move. For example, instead of taking a cab to your favorite health dig, you can try walking.
11. Plan for special events - Holidays and big gatherings are when people most often fail in their diets. Because there are a lot of people around, some are pressured to each as much as other people in the party, not to mention that they also have more drinks than needed. You can combat this by planning ahead. You can eat beforehand or drink lots of water. Also, stay away from the open bar or desserts area.
12. Have a positive outlook in life - People who are stressed often turn to food for comfort. This is also true if you're going through a rough patch like if you just ended a relationship or just lost a job. By having a positive outlook on life, you're less at risk for binge eating. If you really are stressed, use it as a drive to make yourself better instead. Exercising and making healthy lifestyle choices are also good stress relievers.
13. More proteins, less carbohydrates - Carbohydrates are important in your diet, because they give you the energy you need throughout the day. However, stored energy can turn into fat. Protein has the effect of making one fuller faster, so some protein in your diet would mean you'd eat less portions of your meal. By eating lots of protein rich-foods, especially during breakfast, you won't feel the need to munch on snacks before the next meal.
14. Don't skimp on sleep - Sleep is very important for people who are trying to lose weight. When you're asleep, your body regenerates and repairs so that it functions better the next day. When you lack sleep, your body is sluggish, and your metabolism might get affected, making it difficult for you to process the energy you need. Most people who are sleep-deprived also turn to food more in hopes that their body will function better.
15. Set realistic goals - When people first start out with their diets, the first mistake they can make is to make unrealistic expectations. When you expect too much, you'll only be vulnerable to disappointments. Most people expect to see results quickly and when they don't, they get depressed and simply quit.
Remember that weight loss is not an easy process. It takes time, dedication and a few misses in order to achieve your goals. However, it's important to persevere, because it is not only beneficial to your self-esteem, but to your overall health as well.
I am always talking, reading or writing about health. I am especially interested in organic health tips. As a person I strongly believe we should take responsibility for our own health and work together with doctors and other health care professionals.

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