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Friday Fitness Tips - The Hidden Enemy

Sugar - The Real Enemy
I bet if you were to look to your left, or your right, or just step out into the general public right now, you would be able to find someone who is over weight! Try it, I dare you. The facts are scary too. One in three people would be considered over weight. But the good news is we can do something about it, but we must first acknowledge that we have a problem.
In this post, I am going to educate you on a few facts to help you make better choices for a better life. Now if you are familiar with me and my whole person approach to life improvement, you may have heard my say, 
if you want a better life - make better choices!
Well as simple as that may be, for some, it is easier said than done, so I hope this will at least help. In my opinion, people are making health and wellness lifestyle thing more complicated than it has to be. When it comes to losing weight, for example, just keep in mind if you are taking in or consuming (eating) more calories than you are expending (like walking, weight lifting, or just plain getting your a!*% off the couch and doing something) then you are going to put on the pounds (gain weight).
So here is what you should take away from this post today. Sugar is your enemy! I am talking about the white stuff that has been processed and produced for your convenience. Not only that, it can be found in just about everything these days, but you may not know it because of it's many, many other names, ending is "ose." Words like glucose, dextrose, and all the other "oses" out there. You get the picture!
Now let's get more specific because I am here to challenge you to ease up on the soda starting today! Like right now! This instant. So some of you need to either go get your money back from the break room person before you open that pop (as some call it) or pour it down the drain because you are tired of living that mediocre existence and you know you can make one small step towards a better you by doing what you know, deep down inside is right for you!
Now I understand that is not as extreme as that one guy in New York who was trying to get people to wake up by taking some of their free will away, but do you understand his intention behind it all? I know I do. Folks we are killing ourselves and something has to give.
Look I already had the heart attack and got the T-shirt, so allow my life to be placed at your service, and let me help you make a better choice so you can create a better life for yourself.
So do you have enough disciple to refrain from drinking that soda? Well if you are already having doubts, perhaps you should try watering it down a bit or filling your cup with more ice than soda? Or try infusing your water with Mother Natures's fruit!
Here is something you don't want to miss!
By having one 12oz can of soda, you are easily packing on 10 to 12 pounds a year. We are not even talking about those other mass produced products out there that we are consuming at an alarming rate.
I am just trying to help here folks, and if this message is not for you, then thank you for passing it on to someone that needs it!
Well that's it for me! I hope you are a bit more educated on the subject of all the hidden sugar that can be avoided in soda. I hope you decide to join me in the crusade to improve your life through fitness.
The light has been turned off and all the babies are fast asleep. I thank you for reading and sharing with those you love!
My purpose in life is to: Impact, Inspire, and Improve the lives of Others!
I am enjoying the path of purpose I am on and I look forward to helping others reach their best self!
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