Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

Know Your Body Type

The way our bodies respond to training is heavily influenced by our genetic make-up. The next time you go to the gym take a good look around at the people working out. Chances are you'll see all shapes and sizes. You will envy the gym 'bunnies' with their cellulite-free-legs, flat stomachs and toned arms, or marvel at the 'gym gods', with their perfect pecs, triangular torsos, six packs and tight bums.
Perhaps you aspire to look like them, but after months of training you find that you are not achieving the results that you desire. The explanation could be that you are doing the wrong type of training or it's more than possible that your inability to attain your goals is based on the fact that you are training in the wrong way for your body type.
What Body Type Are You?
Although scientist have devised numerous body type classifications, they are derived from three basic types'. In the not quite politically correct terms these can be described as fat, skinny, athletic, or somewhat more correctly as endomorphic, ectomorphic, and mesomorphic.
It should be stressed that these three body types are broad-brush-stroke pictures of individual shapes and not specific blueprints. In reality, most of us will be an amalgamation of all three types, Crucially, no one body type should be regarded as being superior to another, each has its own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to developing fitness.
Below is a guide to body types and fitness options that work the best.
Mesomorphic - Tall with broad shoulders, narrow waist, broad hips, upright posture and good muscular definition. Metabolism - Fairly fast.
Training Advantages - Mesomorphs respond well to most types of CV and resistance training. They can also sustain low body fat levels perform both minor and major muscle group exercises.
Training Disavantages - mesomorphs can become over-trained, so they need to work out a balanced training program. Also they tend to put on weight quickly when they stop training.
Ectomorphic - Small bone structure,look fragile, very lean and thin. Metabolism - fast.
Training Advantages - Ectomorphs find it easy to lose weight and keep it off. They respond well to the following CV training, weight based classes, if seeking muscle, bike, rowing,or treadmill group classes - but no more than 3 times a week. If looking to build muscle they should eat 5 small meals a day and maybe supplementing with creatine to help increase muscle size.
Training Disadvantages - ectomorphs find it hard to put on muscle and can be very injury prone, due to their less robust body type.
Endomorphic - Large bone structure, but perhaps with shorter limbs,wide frame, less muscle definition, less distribution of fat. Metabolism- slow
Training Advantages - Endomorphs respond well to power and resistance training, develop large muscles and can burn fat well once they increase their metabolic rate. They should base their training around cross-training which includes weights and CV training. For optimum body shaping and weight loss, they should ensure a positive energy balance and expend more calories than they consume.
Training Disadvantages - Endomorphs find it harder to lose weight and can carry too much body fat (their bodies also have more fat cells) which can increase their likelihood to put weight on. They can sustain injuries if they do too much weight-bearing exercise too soon in their training routine, especially if they are overweight.
I hope that you found this article informative. For more tips and information on muscle building, diets, and training routines check out -

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