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Weight Loss - Top 5 Fat Burning Tips to Get Ripped

There are many ways people try to get rid of fat, some more extreme than others. Many opt for going on crazy diets that can be harmful to their health while others are excessive with their workouts. No matter what the case, there are 5 tips that one must follow.
#1 Tip for Fat Loss - Eliminate Junk Food Except Occasionally
Cut out the junk food. I know, this seems like the logical thing that almost everyone knows, right? Yet, I see constantly people who snack on junk food too often. There are some junk food such as cookies, for instance, that can pack on 100-130 calories per cookie. Now think how often you would only consume one cookie. Probably never. If you eat 5-8 cookies, that's almost half you daily caloric intake. Now take into consideration, that it's OK to snack on junk food once or twice a week. Not only will this keep you sane but it can give your metabolism a jump start.
#2 Tip for Fat Loss - Eat Regularly
Eating regularly keeps your metabolism burning efficiently. If you eat small meals throughout the day, your body will be using the food for energy, but if you eat a couple of large meals, your body will only burn what is needed for energy and the rest will be stored as fat.
#3 Tip for Fat Loss - Limit Alcohol Consumption
Having a few alcoholic beverages is fine every now and then, but regular alcohol consumption can lead to excessive fat gain. The reason behind this is that your body will burn off alcohol first which turns off the fat burning mechanism. So, what happens to the food you eat? It is stored as excess calories instead of being burned efficiently as energy.
#4 Tip for Fat Loss - Weight Lifting
Make sure you are focusing part of your exercise routine with lifting weights. Lifting weights causes your muscles to tear down, which will then start the rebuilding process. During this rebuilding process or recovery process if you will, is when your metabolism kicks in. This process takes around 48 hours after the completion of your workout. Your body will be a fat incinerator for the next 2 days. Even while you're sleeping.
#5 Tip for Fat Loss- Cardio
Always finish up your workout routine with cardio. Just 10-15 minutes of cardio on your favorite piece of equipment will tap into your fat store. Your glycogen levels are high after workouts so you will be burning off the sugars coursing through your body by doing cardio immediately following your weight lifting.

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