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Diet For Quick And Lasting Weight Loss


Writing about healthy living has become a bit of an obsession of mine. I have battled a weight issue since my late thirties. Now in my late forties, I finally found a diet that quickly helped me lose weight and keep it. I lost 30 lbs. in 31/2 months. It took a few tries at two other very popular, but very different programs before I found a program that worked for me.
First, I tried Weight Watchers and to be honest it is a good program. I just found that everything was so complicated. Your probably saying to yourself what could be complicated about counting points. It works fine if you like being a hermit. Where I fell off the wagon was when I went outside my home. Try counting points at a party where appetizers tease your every desire. Or trying that new restaurant or take a vacation. I just didn't find it very practical. Pulling out my handy dandy handbook and trying to find the point value of a food source every time I touched a morsel of food and then adding up the running total. Not only did I fail but I ate myself back to the fat farm club. I won't go into details on the Atkins program. Let's just say I came out of that weight loss program with a few unwanted side effects that my new program is slowly reversing.
Listed below are a few ingredients I found important in succeeding at my latest and most successful diet plan.
1) Balance. My new diet plan gave me a balance between quick weight loss and sustainable weight loss. It addressed my short term goal and long term goal requirements. Right from the start my program enforced the ideal that this diet was a lifestyle choice.
2) Exercise. I know for some people this is a swear word. But it doesn't have to be. There are many forms of exercise. A brisk 30 minute walk 5-6 times a day worked for me. My new program had a lot of creativity when it came to recommending exercise. Ball routines and resistance training were just a few. Plus with the calorie reduction, small amounts of exercise went a long way towards my desired goal.
3) Goals. This diet plan focused on what my immediate and long term goals were. The program varied depending on whether I was at a stage of shedding many pounds or the less intense phase when I reached the maintenance stage.
4) Time. My diet plan made weight loss easier to adhere to because it always took into consideration meal preparation timeMy Kids had busy schedules and so did I. This put pressure on preparing quick but healthy meals. My new weight loss program addressed the time issue by allowing for quick and easy meal solutions, even a take out option was part of the program.
5) Menu planning. I almost left out the best part. This program had a diet generation tool. We just punched in the foods my family liked and presto we were given not only a menu but a shopping list also.
6) Protein. Protein was the main ingredient on this diet plan. I stayed with the basic proteins like beef, pork, chicken, fish and dairy. This didn't exclude fruit like so many protein diets. Their were certain fruits like bananas that I kept off my menu. Vegetables were an important part of the diet. Potatos were excluded as much as possible do to the high starch.
Their are many diets on the market that offer these attributes that will lead to a quick reduction of weight with lasting results.
I wish you all the best, Charles N Lambert
I hope you found Diet For Quick and lasting Weight Loss informative. If you click on the link below you will find my top 5 picks for the best weight loss programs on the market today.

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