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How Can I Exercise At Home?


So you've finally decided that it is time for you to start and stick to a healthy exercise regime. Great! But where to begin? Easy, go out and take a 10-15 minute walk around your neighborhood. You have begun.
The reason I say get out and walk before you begin planning is because simply getting up can be the hardest part of starting fitness program. Yes, some organization needs to go into designing your program, but sometime we get so involved in the planning stage that we never make it to the action stage.
Many home fitness enthusiasts start either with a simple walking plan or an exercise video. I highly recommend that you start with a simple plan of walking for 10-30 minutes at a quick but comfortable pace 3-5 times a week for 4 weeks before you begin adding things like strength training, yoga, kettlebells etc.
This simple walking plan helps to gradually increase your activity, builds a fitness foundation to build upon and helps you make exercise a regular part of your life without the risk of over doing things and burning out.
Once you have been active for a while and you have begun feeling stronger and your walks have become easier now the world of fitness has truly opened to you. Your fitness options are endless. You want to design a plan that includes elements of cardiovascular health (aerobics), strength training, flexibility training, and relaxation techniques.
This might sound like a lot, but believe me this is very doable. You can hit all of the elements mentioned above in one workout or you can split your fitness sessions and focus on one aspect of fitness per day. This is the type of planning you need to work on while you are going through the first 4 weeks of walking so that you will have a plan in place once your introductory month has completed.
When you first begin a fitness program, don't feel as if you have to start big. Start small, over time you will find yourself interested in activities that you never thought you would enjoy. Exercise is addictive if done right.
Your fitness journey may go something like this:
After your first month of walking you have decided you need to increase the intensity so you purchase some walking music. You've also decided you want to mix it up a little so you purchase a fitness DVD focused on dancing to burning calories. You like the instructor so you check out what other fitness DVDs this instructor has and you find a whole library of DVDs that include weight training, step aerobics, exercise tube training, Yoga and so on. Then you start to experiment.
After about 3 or 4 months of training, you feel great, you look better but now you are ready to focus on something more specific than just "I want to be healthier." Maybe you want to improve your agility or maybe you have a few more stubborn pounds of fat to lose so you want to focus on weight loss. You might decide you want to run a marathon or you decide you want more muscular definition. Maybe you want to work on explosive power or that martial arts studio you pass everyday is starting to catch your eye.
Once you have built a strong fitness base, you will begin to focus on more specific goals and this will be a major game changer in the way you live and experience life.
For more fitness, nutrition and motivation tips visit me at Exercises For Fat Loss At Home a no nonsense approach to getting you healthy. For more training tips and suggestions visit me at

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