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Getting Ripped With Dumbbells - Exercise And Diet Tips For Gaining Muscle With Dumbbells


Are you looking the the best and fastest ways to gain muscle using dumbbells? By sticking to a good routine and a proper eating plan this is easily achievable.
Getting Ripped With Dumbbells - Exercises
The best thing about using dumbbells is that you do not need any gym membership in order to train. All you need is a set of dumbbells, some space to work and if you are feeling adventurous a workout bench. That last one isn't required.
All of these exercises can be performed with just dumbbells and a flat surface (like the floor):
Chest - bench press, pullovers, flyes.
Shoulders - Seated Press, Front Raises, Bent Over laterals, lateral raises
Triceps - French presses, tricep extensions, dumbbell kickbacks
Legs - Romanian Dead lifts, lunges, squats, one-legged squats, dumbbell step-ups, dumbbell jogging
Back - Shrugs, Straight legged dead lifts, bent over rows
Biceps - Dumbbell Bicep Curls, hammer curls, concentration curls
Abs - dumbbell crunches, dumbbell side bends, overhead dumbbell side bends
To burn bodyweight fast perform these exercises in a superset performing at least a couple of sessions a week and following a proper diet.
Getting Ripped With Dumbbells - Diet
Ok, so to properly get ripped all the exercises in the world aren't going to help you if you are still piling in the food like you are going into hibernation or the winter. First and foremost you need to stop your current diet and move on to a high protein low carb diet. This is the most important part of your training, as without this all your exercises will account for nothing.
Once your diet is in place then all your exercises will start to take off and you will see the muscle start to pile on.
If you're really serious about getting into shape with Dumbbell Workouts [], then you definitely need a proper workout training guide. The best one that I can recommend to you is the 6 Week Ripped Report.
This program will take you week by week from your current level and turn you into a ripped machine in just 6 weeks using only dumbbell exercises! For more information on this program click here []

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