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How Many Calories In a Pound of Fat? Let's Weigh In

Many folks are wondering how many calories are in a pound of fat. With this knowledge, you can clearly understand what it takes to burn off a pound, right? Well, sure. And the plain answer is 3500. Each time you're able to either eliminate 3500 calories from your diet or burn off 3500 calories in the gym, a pound of body fat should theoretically be shed.
However, as with anything involving your health and weight loss, you've got to be smart about this. Don't kill yourself at the gym or attempt to fast for two months. This can put your body in shock and cause a whole host of nasty health problems down the line. Generally speaking, 2-3 pounds of fat loss per week is a good balance of safe and inspiring.
If you'd like to know how to accomplish this type of weight loss, 3500 calories (a pound) at a time, then perhaps these tips will serve you well:
1. An hour of jogging burns 350 calories.
This means that you can drop a pound of fat every 10 days, or 3 pounds a month, by doing this one simple thing each day. I realize that this doesn't sound like much on the surface, but this is assuming you make no other changes to your lifestyle. And this doesn't even cover the residual fat-burning you can enjoy as a result of boosting your overall metabolism!
2. Make a note of your typical daily caloric intake and reduce it by 350 calories per day.
It is important to know where you are now. If you don't keep track of your average calorie intake, you'll have no clue what dropping 350 calories even means. Once you realize where you stand now, and you're able to shave off those 350 daily calories, you automatically double the results you can enjoy by doing the aforementioned exercise.
So now we're up to 6 pounds of fat loss each and every month. If you've got fewer than 20 pounds you're wanting to lose, then these two steps alone should be able to get you there in 3 months or less. However, if you've got more than 20 pounds to lose, or if you simply want faster, more dramatic results, then the next tip will really kick your results up a few notches...
3. Eating only all-natural food will increase your metabolism and speed up your fat burning unlike anything else.
By "all-natural," I'm not referring to something that says "all natural" on the box. What I'm mostly referring to is food that won't even come in a box! For example, fresh organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs are your best starting point. Lean, organic meats and organic free-range eggs are also great, but focus most of your dietary attention on organic produce, preferably raw.
A great way to avoid excess sugar and processing is to only eat at home during your initial weight loss campaign. You just can't trust the "outside world" (i.e. restaurants) to have your best interests in mind. This is especially true when you take a look at the types of things being labeled as health food which actually do nothing but pack more pounds of fat onto their "victims."
If you're serious about losing weight, you must take control over your environment. This is the only way to truly take control over what goes on your dinner plate.
4. Not drinking your calories is MAJOR!
It is shocking how many people live and die by their sodas, coffee drinks, alcoholic beverages, and other unsupportive drinks. Not only do these fill you full of calories and sugar ("real" or otherwise), but the chemicals they throw into the mix will cause you to pack on the pounds even if they are supposedly "zero calories."
Do the research, and you will quickly learn that I'm speaking the truth here. The more closely you can stick to just drinking filtered water and organic, unprocessed fruit and vegetable juice (the kind that you make at home using a juicer), the better off you'll be.
So now that you know how many calories are in a pound of body fat, and what it's going to take to start enjoying significant fat loss immediately, what's stopping you? Well, for starters, this list is by no means exhaustive, and it doesn't provide you with the specifics you really need to make your dream body a reality.
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