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Vegetarian Weight Loss - How to Lose Weight With a Vegetarian Diet


Eating vegetarian diet may not guarantee fat loss. You must make sure you're ingesting a balanced diet filled with various macro- and micro-nutrients essential for your body needs. Only then can you lose fat effectively.
Let me share how to make up a proper vegetarian diet for weight loss.
As you already know, you need to eat as many different fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds etc for leading a healthy lifestyle, but you can't finish them all in a day. And each food carries somewhat similar and different nutritional content. So, you rotate the food varieties in your diet.
For example, in the morning, you drink smoothie blended from strawberries, blueberries, spinach, lettuce with some sprinkle of protein powder.
Then in afternoon, you take brown rice (cooked) layered with black bean sauce plus few pieces of tempeh and spinach on top.
Here comes dinner and you ingest mushroom soup with fresh slices of tomatoes and cucumbers. In between these vegetarian meals you take some oatmeal crackers or whole grain crackers.
Now, next day, you should try to change these entire recipes. It's quite a challenge trying to eat differently every day. Eating a vegetarian fat loss diet this way brings you 2 major benefits:
1. You get a full spectrum of nutrients from different vegetarian food sources. You body cells and tissues need them to function properly. You get excellent health and you won't fall sick easily.
2. As you keep changing your caloric intake with different food varieties and patterns, your body tends to remain metabolically active and readily burn excess calories you don't need. You end up shedding excess pounds without trying too hard.
I know you may find it difficult to think of new recipes every day. Try doing this: Take a one-day recipe and swap among the meals and turn it into a 3-day recipe. Then make another one-day recipe and repeat the same procedures. This way you can generate a 9-day vegetarian diet recipe for your weight loss with only a 3-day recipe.
Alternatively, go find some easy-to-prepare vegetarian meal plans which already come with hundreds of recipes created for you. You just need to plug and play, that's it. In fact, most importantly, the meals should tantalize your taste buds, or you won't feel so keen to whip up your own fat loss dishes.
Preparing your own vegetarian weight loss diet is one of the most effective techniques you should adopt. You can control the caloric intake, the portion size, and exactly what you want to feed your body.
Laura Ng shows you how to lose your excess body fat without getting loose skin and weight rebound by following the easy-to-prepare diets for vegetarians to lose weight at These diets contain a shortlist of the best weight loss foods for vegetarians to expedite your fat loss and help you achieve your goals easily and effectively. You'll also improve your health and get more energy in the process of this regimen.

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