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Wedding Weight Loss - How To Get Into the Shape Of Your Life For Your Wedding

By Mike Bravo

Losing Weight Before Your Wedding Day
If you are a bride-to-be & you know that you are not in the kind of shape you want to be, losing that extra weight for your wedding day is probably at the top of the list of things to do.
Furthermore the big day is probably drawing closer & you haven't embarked on that weight loss plan yet so you might be tempted to go for all the magic pills & potions that promise to get you looking like Kate Middleton on her wedding day.
Be cautious as there is no substitute for a healthy eating plan which will probably mean that you will need to change your diet & cut out all the addictive, weight-gaining foods & snacks.
Exercise will also help get you into shape but if this is something that does not appeal to you for whatever reason, a good bridal diet will help you lose those extra pounds.
Pre-Wedding Diet
If you embark on a Kate Middleton pre-wedding diet I am sure you will agree that you stand every chance of losing the fat & getting into great shape in time for your wedding.
She was rumoured to have been on the Dukan diet which is similar to the Atkins diet, both of which are low carb, high protein diets.
Professor Tim Noakes has made quite a stir recently with his views on cutting carbs out of his diet, which directly opposed his previous views on supporting diets high in carbohydrates.
Since losing both his father & uncle to type-2 diabetes he discovered that he, as are most people, was carbohydrate resistant & since cutting carbs out of his diet he has not only lost a significant amount of weight, but has regained his feelings of youthful vigour.
So if you are a bride desperate to lose weight, you must change your eating habits & cut out all simple carbs, sugars & comfort foods.
These foods are all addictive & never really leave you feeling full & staisfied which is why you are often left craving more.
So if you are disciplined about this & avoid all of these addictive foods, especially sugar, you will start seeing results very quickly.
Examples of food choices to make;
  1. Cut all sugars out of your diet - this includes sugar in coffee, soft drinks, pastries, cookies, desserts & look out for high sugar content in so-called fat-free products
  2. Substitute white potatoes with sweet potatoes
  3. Substitute white rice with brown rice
  4. Substitute white bread with rye bread
How Does a Low Carb Diet Lead To Weight Loss?
Briefly, consuming carbohydrates triggers an insulin release to help break the carbs down into energy, however the eventually fails in coping with the vast amounts of carbs, especially simple carbs which are dumped into your system, with the result that they are not processed properly & end up being deposited into your gut as fat.
So continuing with carbohydrate (and sugar) consumption not only causes progressive weight gain which ultimately leads to obesity, but can also cause insulin problems leading to type-2 diabetes.
The biggest benefit of staying off carbs is that you will find that you don't feel hungry as often as you used to & therefore you naturally refrain from eating extra meals or snacking.
It should also be mentioned that this is definitely not a starvation type of diet - you are encouraged to eat normally & not to deprive yourself of healthy food at all.
It's all about changing your dietary habits, with the main change being to avoid addictive foods.
PS. The trick to losing your belly fat is to raise your metabolism which will trigger your body's natural fat burning process.
Sounds simple, however it can take a lot of effort combined with a good diet.
There is however a relatively easy way to achieve this & that is by doing a few "explosive" fat burning exercise combinations for about 15 minutes a day which if done properly will give you quick results & you'll start to look slimmer in a short amount of time.
just go to the following link for all the information on activating the fat burning mechanism in your body:

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